
Welcome Back!

JCPS First Day Information

Welcome back Doss High School families! We’ve all had a great summer break but we’re excited to see our students back in our classrooms. Our staff, along with others in JCPS, have been busy at Doss HS over the summer. We have made many improvements to the school. We added several new teachers and classrooms to the building.  

We’ve also launched our new school web page! You'll find helpful information here, such as lunch menus, a calendar of events and links to important web pages for parents/guardians including your Parent Place portal. 

We will update this page regularly to keep you informed, so check back often.

JCPS also has a webpage dedicated to making the first day of school a successful one for you and your child. Visit the First Day webpage at  https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/o/jcps/page/first-day for information about transportation, school start times and upcoming deadlines.

Thank you for entrusting your child and their education to us at (name of school). We’re looking forward to a great school year!

Click on the link to view the Doss High School Promotional Video Doss Video 2022-23

Doss High School is proud to partner with several local businesses to guarantee authentic, relevant learning experiences for our students. These partners engage with the Doss community during advisory board meetings; make generous donations of money, time, and talent; host field trips; come in as. guest speakers; and employ our students. We are grateful for all they do to support the Doss family!