Message from the Principal

Highland Middle School is located at the corner of Richmond Drive and Norris Place in the heart of the historic Highlands neighborhood in Louisville, KY. Highland Middle is known for its exemplary approach to creating equitable learning experiences by maintaining a climate in which cultural humility is the norm. It is radically inclusive when welcoming a diverse student population. Highland Middle faculty and staff are committed to teaching academic and social standards so students become capable, responsible, life-long learners. 

All of Highland Middle School students benefit from the award-winning Fine Arts Magnet program and Explore Pathways in Design & Engineering and Consumer Science. The intentional teaching of Social Emotional Learning is priority at Highland which sets the school apart from other middle schools. The beloved green space and school garden provides opportunities for students to make connections to their own health and that of their community. The plentiful opportunities offered before, during and after the school day, coupled with community involvement helps push young people far beyond their goals.

We are Highland PROUD!

Vanessa Green, Principal