
Math crest


Meyzeek’s mathematics program integrates the research-based curriculum of Connected Mathematics and other proven resources to provide all our students with superior instruction rooted in the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. Students at Meyzeek not only learn to “do” math but can explain their approach and justify their answers to real-world problems. A peek into any math class would reveal students working together in teams to solve problems and test their solutions, just as one would see in the real world of work.

Unique to Meyzeek, the school offers an Accelerated Mathematics course that operates two years above grade level. For example, seventh graders who qualify will take Algebra 1. Each spring, sixth graders have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of advanced mathematics concepts to earn placement in this program.

Science crest


Meyzeek's science program sets the standard for both science instruction and student-centered inquiry. Students are challenged by dedicated teachers (one third of the department is Nationally Board Certified) to investigate content-rich focus questions that encourage them to work, read, talk, and write like scientists. The hands-on lab work that is a regular part of their classroom experience leads them to draw conclusions and argue a claim, which must be supported with evidence, tightly linking their science experience with the Common Core standards.

Magnet students also complete at least two independent research projects for the Science Fair during their tenure at Meyzeek, with many students going on to compete at the regional, state, and national level. Meyzeek’s stellar record at both the Science Fair and Science Olympiad competitions speaks to the level of excellence with which we pursue these extracurricular opportunities.

Engineering seal


Promoting creativity and innovation for all students, Meyzeek offers an exciting robotics elective. This class creates a new excitement for science content and sparks interest for many students to explore a career in engineering. Students learn the engineering process by designing, building, testing, and modifying their robots to create working models. Our students highlight their coursework in an evening Robo-Olymipcs event that is open to the community.

Students who demonstrate reading proficiency (on grade level), as determined by school and state assessments, may choose to follow their passion in courses that focus on engineering topics through the science curriculum and literacy.

Technology seal


Meyzeek works very hard to infuse technology in meaningful and effective ways throughout the curriculum. All classes, including electives, integrate technology using relevant and up-to-date applications. Students apply current office and multimedia applications across the curriculum through labs dedicated to each discipline ensuring access and pursuing proficiency for everyone. At any given moment, students may be using graphing calculators or manipulating their learning on a SMART Board or creating digital art using sophisticated graphic design software all to deepen understanding and ensure retention.

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) seal

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP)

CSIP is used as the means of determining how schools will plan to ensure that students reach proficiency and beyond. The process focuses improvement efforts on student needs by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs, by building on school capacity for high-quality planning, and by making connections between how the funds that flow into the school address priority needs.