
Small Class Size Magnet Program

Small Classes, Big Benefits

H. B. Slaughter Elementary is one of only nine Jefferson County public elementary schools (out of a total of 90 elementary schools) that began offering the Small Class Size Program at the start of the 2009-10 school year.

You already may know of the benefits of small classes. Students get more individual attention and they have more time to ask questions, and teachers have more time to explain answers.

There are some other benefits you might not have considered. Because there are fewer distractions, small classes could increase your child's attention span. Motivation and morale are often higher in small classes. Teachers can cover more material and help students learn lessons more quickly and in greater depth. Plus, with an average class size of just 20 students, beginning with first grade, schools that offer the Small Class Size Program are better able to tailor instruction for each student.

These are huge benefits for elementary students. Teachers can make sure all students develop good learning habits before they get to middle school, and research shows that the benefits of small classes in the early years continue to pay off for students in the upper grades.

Outdoor Classroom

Here at Slaughter we are excited to create an Outdoor Classroom that will be a unique education experience. Fortunately, our school was built on a swamp. Unfortunately, we have completely destroyed the natural habit that was present before our school was built. Now we are rebuilding and enhancing the natural habitat to not only rebuild the beauty of our planet but also to give our students an authentic ecosystem for educational experiences.

Writing, math, science, social studies, and reading: The Outdoor Classroom will be used to support and integrated into all Disciplines. Additionally, giving students hands-on, authentic, educational experiences in nature will enable them to make new connections to all subject areas. Last, in alignment with our Healthy Snacks Program, our garden will be used to help students understand the importance of eating natural healthy foods because they come from the earth.


Project Leadaway

H. B. Slaughter students learn how to use word-processing programs, databases, spreadsheets, and other computer applications that build a base of technical knowledge the students can draw on for the rest of their lives. In addition, teacher-guided Internet research helps your child complete writing portfolios as well as classroom activities.

Classrooms are equipped with up-to-date educational technology, including interactive SMART Boards that enhance lessons and engage students. Slaughter also offers a computer lab with 32 workstations that are used for both classroom and small-group instruction.

computer girl