Get Involved

Parent Involvement

SBDM Council and Subcommitties 

PTA Sponsored Activities including:

  • Everyone Reads Tutors

  • Family Fall Dinner

  • Family Program Nights

  • Fundraising

  • Hearing and Vision Screening

  • Kentucky Kids' Day

  • March Madness Festival

  • Newsletter

  • Room parents and Classroom Activities

  • School Garden

  • School Pictures

  • School Spirit

  • Skating Parties

  • Student Telephone and Email Directory

  • Student Rewards and Incentive Program

  • Tutoring Services

  • Work Fest Volunteers

  • Yearbook

Community Involvement

  • Agilent Technologies

  • Beargrass Mentor Program

  • Brightside Eco-Drama

  • Science Club

  • Cabbage Patch

  • Crusade for Children

  • Dare to Care

  • Fund for the Arts

  • Metro United Way

  • Operation Christmas Child Boxes

  • St. Matthews Baptist Church

  • U.S. Troops

  • 15th District PTA Clothing Assistance Program

  • Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC)

  • Junior Achievement

  • Safety City

  • Shakespeare Alive

  • Tutoring Program