
handbook with pencil

Password Support

Classroom teachers, Ms. Baker, & Mr. Whitenack have access to student login information. We suggest emailing your teacher and Ms. Baker or Mr. Whitenack to get the quickest response. Please leave a callback number in your email. 

desk computer

Technology Support

Ms. Baker & Mr. Whitenack are here to support families with application and hardware issues. You can email them at Email Amy Baker and Email Kevin Whitenack. Please leave a callback number in your email. 


Academic Support

If you notice your child is struggling with content or if you just need a little extra support with an assignment, email your child's teacher and they will work with  you to develop a plan. 

mental health

Mental Health Support

Ms. Wimsatt and Ms. Goodman have compiled a page of resources for both students and families. Visit our Counselor Resources Page to view these resources or to submit a Counselor Request Form