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PTSA January Stuff:

Bus Blues:

Are you interested in ridesharing to get your child to Ballard, or helping pay for gas for someone to take your child?  Or, could you help get a child to Ballard who lives near you?  If you are interested in exploring this with other families, fill out this google form and we will try to get you connected:

Compassion Project Nominations:

Do you know of a student or teacher at Ballard who has gone above and beyond demonstrating kindness and compassion?  We are now accepting nominations for the Bruin Compassion Award!  One faculty/staff will be selected, and one student from each grade.  The faculty award is THE BEST PARKING SPOT, so it's worth it to take a minute and fill this out:

Senior All Night Party Interest?

Traditionally we hold an all-night party for graduating seniors the night of graduation.  The goal is to have a fun, safe, chaperoned, drug and alcohol free time and place to make final memopries with high school friends.We are curious about the interest level this year in holding such a party.  Senior parents and seniors--please take a minute to fill out this anonymous poll:

Parents of seniors, take this poll

Seniors take this poll

October Meeting Video

Link to meeting recording: (5 minutes)

Link to Sean Smith information meeting on BGr8 (22 minutes)

Link to google form for voting and volunteering:

Thank you to our SBDM parent representatives! Here is contact information for them:

Tamara Reif  (

Michael Faith (

Tomika Watson (

September Meeting Video

This 9 minute video is the PTSA on-demand coffee-break meeting for September:

Parent/Teacher Chat: Anxiety Resources

Three Steps to Taking Back Control From Anxiety

From, Webinars

Social Anxiety: The Silent Pandemic That Needs a Louder Voice

Embracing Uncertainty: How to Support Anxious Teens in Developing Resilience in Stressful Times


We are experimenting with our PTSA meetings this year, to make PTSA information more accessible, and hopefully more useful!  You give us your 15 minute coffee break, and you can "come" to the PTSA meeting at your convenience!

Please click on the link for a 10 minute video. Then you can use the links in the newsletter to: 

  • vote on our budget, 

  • express interest in being on the board, 

  • join the PTSA, 

  • find out about our "Ideas and Questions" sessions on the Buzz, 

  • donate to our programs, or

  • explore our parent/teacher chat topic

August On-Demand, Coffee-Break PTSA Meeting:


Join the Ballard PTSA, donate to the Compassion and Freedom Projects, the Library Fund or Project Graduation.


Give feedback on this on-demand meeting, express interest in being on the board or helping in other ways.

Healthy Cellphone Use resources:

Here is an article with suggestions for your own healthy phone usage.

Here is an article on teaching your child healthy cell phone usage.

Go to this website for a library of webinars on many topics, including technology use and adolescent brain development:

Adrian F. Ward, Kristen Duke, Ayelet Gneezy, and Maarten W. Bos, “Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity”, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research,Volume 2, Number 2, April 2017

Please Join the Ballard PTSA 

PTSA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for their educational success, health and well-being.

PTSA is an easy way to support our school and your child!  There are four easy ways to participate in PTSA.  Do one, or all four: do what works best for you!

1. Join and donate. From our memberhub store (link below), you can join the PTSA for $10, or donate to one of our projects. Students and family members can all join!

2. Contribute goods. Throughout the year we will send out signup genius emails for items for the library craft activity and various teacher appreciation events.  When you join through memberhub, you can register your email address.

3. Volunteer time. We believe in many people doing a little bit!  Join our board!  We also love it when people are willing to support our activities! You can attend our monthly meetings even  without being a member to hear what is going on at Ballard and what we are doing to advance the educational success, health and well-being of our kids.

4. Check this page regularly for ideas of how you can help your teen be more successful, healthier and happier at school. (Topic examples: "What the teacher wishes you knew", "Helping teens handle anxiety", "Substance abuse prevention and help".)

Thank you!

What's the PTSA News?


We are experimenting with an on-demand meeting, that will be a video link emailed to you every month, and then posted here.  Transcripts will be made available.  This is how we will get out information and vote. Once a month we will have an "Ideas and listening" meeting to hear from parents.  This will hopefully make us better able to respond to the needs of our Ballard families. 

Ballard PTSA Ideas/Listening Meeting Schedule

Time: Every month on the Third Thursday, virtual lunch meeting until Jun 20, 2024.

         Sep 21, 2023 04:00 PM

        Oct 19, 2023 12:00 PM

        Nov 16, 2023 04:00 PM

        Dec 21, 2023 12:00 PM

        Jan 18, 2024 04:00 PM

        Feb 15, 2024 12:00 PM

        Mar 21, 2024 04:00 PM

        Apr 18, 2024 12:00 PM

        May 16, 2024 04:00 PM

        Jun 20, 2024 12:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 4575 7482

Passcode: 568987 

Connect w/ the Ballard PTSA

PTSA Social Media
To find the PTA on FB, ask to join the group 'Ballard Bruins PTSA Group'
Twitter is @ballard_ptsa
Twitters is @for_bruins
IG - @ballardptsa
IG- Forballardbruins