
Students working on hand crafts

Six Panther Principles

  • Servant Leadership

    • Panthers will lead to help others and their communities by serving first. 

  • Advocacy

    • Panthers will bravely support and speak on behalf of others when necessary.

  • Collaboration

    • Panthers will seek ways to work together in order to achieve positive academic outcomes.  

  • Global Thinking

    • Panthers will intentionally and critically think about various approaches to solving problems.   

  • Innovation

    • Panthers will creatively discuss, design, and present new approaches, ideas, or products. 

  • Change Agent

    • Panthers will not only identify and analyze ways to improve the world around them but also effectively incorporate their academic knowledge to ensure those efforts lead to positive change. 

Students walking in the hall

Student Leadership:

  • Hudson Explore Ambassadors

  • Social Justice Impact League (student mediators)

  • Principal Student Advisory Team

  • Student Leadership Coalition

  • Hudson Student Union

  • Student Communications (YouTube, podcast, newsletter, news release, yearbook, etc.)

Two students working in front of a computer

Teaching and Learning

  • Modern Classroom Project Approach

  • EL/IM Curriculum Full Implementation

  • Social Justice Course

  • Extended Learning (After school and Saturday Academy)

  • Explore Pathways

  • Character Strong Curriculum

Play at Hudson middle

Related Arts

  • Modern Band 

  • Drama (Puppetry)

  • Health/Physical Education

  • Social Justice Class

  • Life Skills