School Social Worker Page

School Social Worker

Email Mrs. Pam Cotton 

  • If you are in Crisis (ANY painful emotion, for which you need support), text HOME to 741741.  Within minutes, a crisis counselor will text you back to start a conversation. 

  • If needed, you may call the Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 988.

  • Check out CARESOLACE for your family's well-being.


School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals who can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic, and classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators as well as provide individual and group counseling/therapy.  

Role of the School Social Worker

Social Worker in Schools

Services Offered

Notes from Mrs. Cotton

NewsStory About Mrs. Cotton and a Student, Jorge

Note #1

Note #2 Virtual Calming Spaces

Note #3 Five Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Note #4 Dealing with Stress

Trauma Informed Care for Families

Teen Support Group

Podcast: How Trauma Impacts Parenting

How Does Trauma Affect Families?

Video: How to Heal from Grief

Traumatic Crisis Assessment

Trauma and your family

Complex trauma assessment given by caregivers

helping children with intellectual delays cope with trauma

helping teens with traumatic grief

parenting in a challenging world

raising well behaved kids

what parents should know about physical punishment

Talking to A Child About Separation or Deportation

guide for talking to kids about death and funerals

how do children grieve?

how to help a child after a parent/caregiver dies

Coping with the death of a sibling

Talking to your child about a suicide death

coping with unconfirmed death

sibling death and childhood trauma

recognizing drug abuse in teens

your teen and substance abuse

your child and gangs

helping my teen cope with being in the hospital

helping my teen cope after being released from the hospital

staying safe while staying connected

How does domestic violence affect children?

teen sexual assault: information for families

preventing acquaintance teen rape

coping with child sexual abuse

questions & answers about sexual abuse

dissociation and ptsd

supporting teens during the holidays

coping after mass violence

coping with collective traumas for caregivers

what is childhood traumatic stress?

age related reactions to traumatic events

Keeping Kids Safe During the Holidays