Student Life


PRP High school's mission is to empower students to become dedicated and engaged in their classrooms, careers and communities. PRP High School's curriculum offers students a well-balanced educational experience. Our school has a tradition of providing students with great options in academics, fine arts, and career and technical education. Students can take courses that prepare them for the next chapter in their lives. Dual credit options are available in several core subject areas as well as almost every career pathway we offer at PRP. College Credit classes provide students with the opportunity to get a head start on their post secondary goals. We, at Pleasure Ridge Park High School, believe that all of these options will allow our students to be equipped and successful on whatever path they choose! 

Clubs, Organizations, And Athletics

It is our intention that students are involved in multiple clubs, organizations and athletic teams while at PRP. We take pride in the fact that we offer so many ways for students to be involved at school. Students at PRP are encouraged to join any club, organization, or athletic team  that interests them. 

Interested in getting involved?  Check out our Athletics page.