Story Time with Mrs. Cantrell

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a little spot wears a mask book

Click the story to hear Mrs. Cantrell read the book

don't feed the worry bug book

Click the story to hear Mrs. Cantrell read the book.

a little spot learns online book

Click the story to hear Mrs. Cantrell read the book

Julia Cook is a well known children's author. In an effort to release a story quickly that children could understand regarding COVID-19, she wrote this story and had students at an elementary school illustrate it. Click the video to listen to her read the story.

Many of us are starting to be impatient being at home, but remember to use your coping skills and before you know it we
will be able to get out and about again!

Click photo for video reading. It is important during this time (and always) to utilize technology appropriately! This story gives good tips about thinking about how what you post/do online can impact your digital footprint. Good for all ages!

Click photo for video reading. This story teaches us how to accept feedback and compliments.

Click photo for video reading. This story reminds us about the importance of telling the truth, as it states "trust isn't something you can put back together" (at least easily or quickly).

Click photo for video reading. Remember to treat other people the way you want to be treated. Even if someone isn't nice to you, you should be nice to them!