Semple's Calm Corner

Tips for Practicing CALM

Session #2

  • Take a moment to think of an intention for the day or even an hour. This is an action or goal that you want to be aware of and give your full attention to.

  • When you set your intention remember it should be positive and not place a demand on yourself.

  • You set an intention for a brief period and approach it with patience and acceptance.

  • You may have to adjust your intention or commit to doing longer to guide your self-care.

Intention Setting

Intention setting can be a powerful way to guide our thinking and behavior. When we set an intention, we are setting a direction for our thought process. To support ourselves we need to check in throughout the day. When we notice our actions have veered away by losing focus or forgetting, we just need to readjust our thought process to get us back on track! Being aware is not showing failure but showing growth in the process. We can always recommit or set a new intention