Behavior Expectations

Student Climate

Good discipline is maintained by recognizing and praising good behavior and giving logical, appropriate consequences for inappropriate choices and unacceptable behavior. Students are expected to put forth their best effort and to behave in a manner that will promote a safe and orderly learning environment. Promoting positive and appropriate behavior is a shared responsibility between home and school. 

All students are expected to follow Shacklette’s Expectations:

  • Be respectful to self, others, and property.

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.

  • Follow directions immediately.

If your child should receive an office referral for unacceptable and/or unsafe school behavior, the school will follow the elementary school behavior violations and consequences as outlined in the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook. This document is provided and reviewed with all students on the first day of school. If you need another copy, please contact the school office at (502) 485-8325.