
What is an Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are a work-based learning model that offer on-the job training along with related technical instruction and results in a nationally-recognized industry credential upon completion. 

Types of Apprenticeships

  1. A TRACK Youth Apprenticeship allows the student to work with a specific employer. The student will receive credit towards their apprenticeship for on-the-job learning hours obtained through a cooperative education placement. *Requires enrollment in KDE TRACK Youth Apprenticeship CTE pathway and KDE TRACK Agreement in addition to all required WBL Forms.

  2. A TRACK Pre-Apprenticeship allows the student to prepare for application to a Registered Apprenticeship training program after graduation. The training provider can give students credit towards their apprenticeship for coursework they have taken while in high school. *Requires enrollment in KDE TRACK Pre-Apprenticeship CTE pathway.

Apprenticeships Requirements

To participate in an Apprenticeship, a student shall:

  • Be at least sixteen (16) years of age.

  • Have gained sufficient knowledge and skills for success.

  • Be enrolled in a KDE-approved TRACK Pathway.

  • Have completed the basic career and technical course prerequisites required by the TRACK Apprenticeship type (Youth or Pre-Apprenticeship).