Experience-Based Work

What is Experience-Based Work?

Experience-Based Work is a paid Work-Based Learning experience consisting of on-the-job work experience during the school day (early release) that is connected to a post-secondary credential and/or Associates Degree. *All Experience-Based  Work should be coded accordingly in Infinite Campus but does NOT align to the student's TEDS-identified career program area (CTE pathway). 

Experience-Based Work Requirements

To participate in Experience-Based Work, a student shall:

  • Be in 10th grade or higher.

  • Have gained sufficient knowledge and skills for success.

  • Have and maintain good standing at their school.

  • Complete separate coursework connected to their employment with a focus on career skills during experience.

  • Complete a career portfolio upon completion of 300 hours of Outside Work Experience.

Roles & Responsibilities Overview

*Experience-Based Work will only count for 1 KEES credit as it is not a CTE-specific WBL course.