

Employer Agreement

Employer Evaluation

Hazardous Occupations Addendum

Worksite Survey

Work Hours Verification

WBL Plan: Change Request

WBL Form Dropbox

Employer Agreement

Employer Agreement

The Employer Agreement is REQUIRED before WBL Student Candidates may participate in a WBL Experience. WBL Agreements will be signed AFTER reviewing completed WBL Plan. Employers may utilize the WBL Form Dropbox to submit completed forms.


Employer Evaluation

Employer Evaluation

The Employer Evaluation is REQUIRED after WBL Student Candidates complete a WBL Experience. Employers may utilize the WBL Form Dropbox to submit completed forms.


Hazardous Occupations Addendum

Hazardous Occupations Addendum

The Hazardous Occupations Addendum is embedded in the WBL Plan completed by school officials. This form is for  Apprenticeships or Co-ops ONLY . Employers may be asked to complete the form below by school officials for a WBL Student Candidate's WBL Plan. Employers may utilize the WBL Form Dropbox to submit completed forms.


Worksite Survey

Worksite Survey

The Worksite Survey is a resource for school officials to ensure Work-Based Learning students are employed in safe and compliant environments. Employers can use this tool to understand the areas and topics school officials will inquire about during an initial worksite visit.


Work Hours Verification

Work Hours Verification

The Work Hours Verification form confirms completed Work-Based Learning experience hours. WBL Students enrolled in Experience-Based Work and Outside Work Experience must provide evidence of 300 cumulative hours. Employers may utilize the WBL Form Dropbox to submit completed forms.


WBL Plan: Change Request

WBL Plan: Change Request

The WBL Plan: Change Request is REQUIRED for any changes that need to be made to a current WBL Plan. This template should be completed and submitted to school officials. 

WBL Plan: Change Request Template

WBL Form Dropbox

WBL Form Dropbox

Use this form to upload completed Work-Based Learning forms. 

WBL Form Dropbox